A woman casts her ballots in the Afghan presidential election at a polling station in Mazar-i-Sharif.
Sgt. Joshua Engbrecht and Pfc. Jack Shortridge give each other haircuts under the stars at Combat Outpost Tangi in Afghanistan's Wardak Province.
Nature's Wrath
A firefighter tries to extinguish a burning olive tree during a wildfire in the village of Dombrena, Greece.
Villagers stranded by a recent typhoon make their way across a makeshift bamboo bridge in Hsinfa village, Taiwan.

The Multitude
Soldiers from the People's Liberation Army rehearse a musical drama titled "The Road of Revival" in Beijing. The show will be performed for the upcoming 60th anniversary of the communist revolution.
Sharing a Thought
Vice President Joe Biden talks with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton during a meeting between President Obama and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in the Oval Office.
In a promotion for the Red Bull X-Fighters World Tour, British motocross rider Chris Birch soars through the air as actors take afternoon tea in front of the Stowe House in North Buckinghamshire.